the sources are the documents I provided,
For this paper, please make sure that you read the following documents: Document 24-2 Working People’s Letters to New Dealers, Document 24-3 Huey Long Proposes Redistribution of Wealth, Document 24-5 Conservatives Describe the New Deal, An Attack on New Deal Farm Policies, and the Transcript of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Radio Address unveiling the second half of the New Deal (1936) (The first four documents are located in the Required Readings Folder above, the last document is available here.)
- Several of these documents are composed of multiple letters and so make sure that you read all letters associated with each document. For some Americans the New Deal changed their perception of the role that government should play in the day to day lives of the governed; however, the New Deal also had its detractors.
- As will be made clear in the documents, many worried about the moral implications of increased government* intervention. After reading the documents provided, decide if the New Deal was the ethically correct decision. In forming your argument please use evidence from all four documents. Carefully articulate both sides of the argument and then explain why you have taken your position using evidence from the documents to provide support for your argument.
- Your paper should be between ¾ -1 ¼ pages long with normal academic specifications (1 in. margins, 11-12 pt. font, double spaced etc. academic font) You should have abbreviated footnotes for this assignment. YOU DO NOT NEED A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Because two of your documents have more than one author your footnotes should be as follows; (author’s last name, “Working People’s Letters,” Pg.# (“Huey Long,” pg. #) (author’s last name,
“Conservatives,” Pg. # (“Attack*). Please let me know if you have any questions.