How can implementing universal basic income (UBI) improve economic equality and alleviate poverty?

In an 8-10 page thesis-driven essay, make a case for or against a specific practice or policy.  Develop your argument with multiple rhetorical appeals and ample credible evidence, including at least one scholarly source and at least four sources from the SMC Library databases. Present and respond to at least one opposing position in your essay to demonstrate your authentic engagement with the issue.



Ideas/Content: – 20 pts

  • The essay makes an explicit, sustained case/for against a specific practice or policy.
    • Explicit claims include an argumentative thesis statement and topic sentence claims.
  • The essay effectively incorporates multiple types of evidence in support of the writer’s claims, including (at minimum):
    • Researched narrative example (note: this must come from research; it is NOT personal experience)
    • Statistical information
    • Expert opinion
    • Research study / academic journal article
  • The essay makes effective use of multiple rhetorical appeals
  • The essay presents and responds to at least one opposing position (counter-argument) 
  • The essay conveys a clear sense of the writer’s engagement in the topic

Structure/Organization – 10 pts

  • A discrete Intro provides adequate context
  • Multiple body paragraphs methodically develop the argument and counter-argument
  • A discrete Conclusion provides a compelling summary of the argument and a call-to-action 

Research/Scholarship – 16 pts

  • The essay substantially adheres to the contents of the Research Journal and the Essay Outline. Essays that do not reflect the writer’s previous research process will not receive credit for Research/Scholarship.
  • The essay scrupulously cites credible sources of information and expert opinion throughout
  • At least six credible sources are effectively integrated into the argument, including:
    • At least four sources from the SMC Library databases
    • At least one source from a scholarly/academic journal
  • Sources are appropriately cited through the use of signal phrases, parenthetical citations, and a complete Works Cited page
  • The essay and citations are formatted following MLA guidelines

Language/Mechanics – 4 pts

  • Mechanical errors, if present, do not obscure the writer’s meaning
  • The tone and diction are appropriate to the topic and the rhetorical situation
  • The writer’s voice conveys a sense of authentic engagement in the topic

Research Proposal:

How can implementing universal basic income (UBI) improve economic equality and alleviate poverty?

B.Universal basic income (UBI) should be adopted as a policy to address economic inequality and alleviate poverty. By providing a regular, unconditional cash transfer to all citizens, UBI can empower individuals, stimulate economic growth, and ensure a basic standard of living for everyone.

C. Economic Studies: Analyzing existing studies and research on UBI trials and experiments to understand its impact on poverty reduction and economic growth.

Case Studies: Examining specific countries or regions that have implemented UBI programs and their outcomes.

Expert Opinions: Consulting economists, policymakers, and experts in the field to gather insights on the potential benefits and challenges of UBI.

Public Opinion Data: Utilizing surveys and polls to gauge public perception and support for UBI.

D. One counter-argument against UBI is that it may discourage people from seeking employment or lead to inflation due to increased spending. In the essay, I will address this counter-argument by discussing evidence from UBI pilot programs and research.

  1. Preliminary Sources:

” Exploring Universal Basic Income: A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices –  https-//


A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy -


“UBI Implementation Case Studies: Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend” by The Economist –


“Public Support for Universal Basic Income: A Survey” –

  1. Preliminary Sources:

” Exploring Universal Basic Income: A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices –


A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy:

“UBI Implementation Case Studies: Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend” by The Economist:

“Public Support for Universal Basic Income: A Survey” –

Note: You must cite at least five scholarly sources from the Santa Monica University Library, including at least one scholarly source and at least four sources, as well as some of the documents I have given

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