Educational leadership-
Readings from books- Chapters are uploaded and examples. Must have first and second years outlined month to month. See examples uploaded
Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge.
Bernhardt, V. L. (2017). Measuring what we do in schools: How to know if what we are doing is making a difference. ASCD.
Application Project:
Develop a plan of action with the goal of creating and developing your school student support team and how you would evaluate those teams and members. The purpose of this action plan is to create a framework that presents WHAT YOU WILL DO, AND WHEN YOU PLAN TO DO IT during the first and second year of your future school leadership position. This action plan must address the educational leadership skills (see below Educational Leadership Skills 1-7) You are free to choose the format for this action plan (including a narrative, an outline, a list, a table, etc.). Support your actions with evidence from the peer-reviewed literature and your textbooks
Suggestion- the easiest format is a table. You can do a table with your first and second years outlined by month and what you would do during those times. It’s simple, easy to follow and content driven.
This action plan must address the educational leadership skills (see below Educational Leadership Skills 1-7)
A. Educational Leadership Skills
1. Evaluate curricula, use of technology, and other supports
2. Evaluate academic and nonacademic systems
3. Propose designs and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology-rich, and coherent curricula and supports for academic and nonacademic programs
4. Observe staff in a variety of settings
5. Gather and analyze district policies on personnel expectations
6. Provide staff with actionable feedback to support improvement
7. Develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement