Canidates research the issue surrounding three types of situations. 1) Harrassment, intimidation, bullying 2) Child Abuse & Neglect and 3) suicide prevention – through new stories, court cases, laws, district policies, curricula, and school improvement plans. Canidates examine and reflect upon the teachers role in promoting a learning environment and classroom culture to effictively address crises as they arise.
HIB (Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying) + Child Abuse & Neglect + Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Canidates final product is an action plan covering all three situations based on district policies and protocols, best practices, legal cases, information from ospi, and research that describes: A) Legal and percieved rights and responsibilities of stakeholders< including at least one sample lawsuit or court case; B) Proactive classroom and school prevention strategies, and C) Consequences and restorative practices for addressing issues as they arise.
The action plan should be designed such that a candiate can keep with them and use it when situations arise.
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