This assignment requires you to analyse and develop a report based on the following scenario.

 This assignment, which consists of two parts, Part 1A and Part 1B, requires you to:

  • compare and contrast traditional teaching and learning with contemporary practices
  • identify, describe and justify at least one pedagogical approach to the teaching and learning of the Technologies curriculum
  • examine the use of new technologies to enhance teaching and learning
  • explore and analyse key Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies concepts and how they may be assessed.

This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 2 and 5.

Related to unit learning outcomes 1, 2 and 5Close

Students who successfully complete this Unit should be able to:

  1. teach, plan and assess key digital technologies and design and technologies concepts and curriculum content appropriate for primary school environments
  2. evaluate pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning of digital technologies in the primary classroom, including cross-disciplinary approaches
  3. evaluate and generate learning experiences that reflect relevant national and/or state or territory curriculum documentation and reflect contemporary pedagogical approaches
  4. evaluate digital technologies and design and technology resources with a focus on student engagement
  5. evaluate a range of assessment and reporting strategies and record-keeping instruments within digital technologies and design and technologies in terms of their purpose, benefits, limitations and implementation constraints
  6. analyse how the broader theoretical and societal context impacts upon the teaching of digital technologies and design and technologies.

Assignment details

This assignment requires you to analyse and develop a report based on the following scenario.


Clearwater Primary School is a relatively small community school with a student population of approximately 170 students across Foundation to Year 6. The students are grouped across four learning communities: foundation learning community; junior learning community (Years 1/2); middle learning community (Years 3/4); and senior learning community (Years 5/6). The majority of students are from English-speaking families, with 20% of students speaking a language other than English. The school has a strong connection with the Wurundjeri People on whose land the school is located.

The lack of educational materials, including very few digital resources, is a reflection of Clearwater Primary School’s low socio-economic status (SES). This has meant that traditional teaching and learning practices have been the norm throughout the four learning communities. However, a substantial amount of funding has been allocated for new technologies and resources to be purchased with the aim of supporting the teaching of the Technologies curriculum and 21st century teaching and learning practices.

For this assignment you will select ONE of the following four learning communities:

  • Foundation learning community
  • Junior learning community (Years 1/2)
  • Middle learning community (Years 3/4)
  • Senior learning community (Years 5/6).

You will then respond to the principal’s requirement of clearly identifying, describing and justifying two resources that will be required for the teaching of the Technologies curriculum in your learning community. Your justification must be based on how your selected resources will support effective 21st century teaching and learning practices, and the teaching of the Technologies curriculum for your learning community. Your response must also identify and discuss at least one suitable contemporary pedagogical approach to using the resources for teaching the Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies subjects of the Technologies curriculum. 

Throughout your teaching and learning journey, you will be required to use the nationally approved learning frameworks (the Early Years Learning Framework or the Australian Curriculum) or the approved learning frameworks for your state or territory. To help you further build capability in this area, and to prepare you for placements, at Swinburne Online you may choose to use the nationally approved learning frameworks or the approved learning frameworks for your state or territory in your assignments. For further information specific to your assignments for this specific unit, please seek advice from your eLAs and/or your Unit Coordinator.

Supporting resources 

Important note: The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:  

The following Student Hub resources will assist you with completing this assignment:  

Assignment criteria

  1. Identification, description and justification of resources selected for the nominated learning community.
  2. Analysis of pedagogical processes.
  3. Academic expression and APA referencing adhered to throughout the report.

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:

Assignment 1A marking guide
Criteria No Pass Pass
High Distinction

Identification, description and justification of resources selected for the nominated learning community


Did not meet criterion. Some suitable resources to support the Technologies curriculum and teaching and learning in the 21st century have been identified and described. The justification provided is simplistic and mostly clear. Suitable resources to support the Technologies curriculum have been identified and clearly described. The justification of the resources identified indicate a good understanding of teaching and learning in the 21st century. The identification, description and justification of the resources selected indicate an in-depth understanding of the Technologies curriculum and teaching and learning in the 21st century. The identification, description and justification of the resources selected indicate a comprehensive understanding of the Technologies curriculum and teaching and learning in the 21st century. Extensive research is evident.

Analysis of pedagogical processes


Did not meet criterion. A developing understanding of a suitable approach(es) to teaching with these resources is evident. Pedagogical approaches to teaching have been discussed; with evidence of an understanding of how pedagogy will work with the stated resources. Pedagogical approaches to teaching have been well-considered and clearly articulated; with an in-depth understanding of how pedagogy will work with the stated resources. Pedagogical approaches to teaching have been critically analysed and clearly articulated; with a sophisticated understanding of how pedagogy will work with the stated resources.

Academic expression and APA referencing adhered to throughout the report.


Did not meet criterion. There are some spelling errors and/or problems with grammar. A reference list has been included and there is an attempt to acknowledge authors using the APA style guide throughout the task. The case study report has been proofread so that most typographical and spelling errors have been eliminated, and any errors present do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas in the report. An author/date system of referencing has been used; however, closer adherence to the demands of the APA style guide is required. The case study report is well-structured. The writing is mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling and expression. APA referencing has been adhered to consistently, with only minor errors. The case study report is well-structured and flows seamlessly. The writing is free of any errors with grammar, spelling and expression. APA referencing has been adhered to consistently and relevant academic literature has been seamlessly interwoven in the report.

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