of a School and students’ academic performance. Write a formal report of around 200-250 words to explain the data with elaboration.

Format of Report Writing

⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followedFormat of Report Writing
⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report
⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention
⁃ Define important terms if necessary
⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report
Main body
Report and analysis of your statistics
⁃ highlight important/alarming statistics
⁃ What do these numbers reflect?
⁃ Does that mean readers should notice some problems through those figures?
⁃ Or on the positive side: evaluate what has been done well in the past
⁃ As your numbers reflect, what aspects about the company/school/society needs to be changed?
⁃ Give suggestions on how to improve the situation/what to note if the same activities are to be conducted next year
– Or if things have been going well: what are the things that the company/school/society should keep on doing next time? Any further suggestions/innovations to make it even better?
⁃ Summarize in a few sentences the most important message you would like to call attention to
⁃ Reinforce the message that improvement will happen if the suggestions are followed

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