connecting Bloom’s Taxonomy with literary devices – PPT Presentation on WEATHER

Below are the instructions for the assignment. I also attached a PPT example the professor gave us.


In this application assignment, you will create a picture file using PowerPoint. 

Each slide becomes a prompt for discussion, writing, or thinking, and a vehicle for connecting Bloom’s Taxonomy with literary devices. 

Step 1. Using PowerPoint, select 15 pictures with a common theme as story starters, discussion prompts, or instructional hooks, placing one on each slide. For example: The Wild West. 

Step 2. On each slide, create 3-5 prompts connecting the picture to the topic. For example: An old windmill.

  1. If you were to see this structure, what would you think it might do? [divergent/inductive thinking]
  2. Why were these materials used and not others? [building connections]
  3. Who put it up, when and why? [story starter]
  4. What qualities or characteristics are found in use today? [relevancy]
  5. Generate five descriptive words to identify this windmill from others. [expressive language]

Step 3. Identify each prompt according to Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Step 4. Select one slide to demonstrate types of literary devices such as text structures. For example: Informational text ~ explaining how a windmill was used to pump water. Procedural text ~ how a windmill was built and how it worked. Narrative text ~ the story of who build the windmill. Include supportive documentation for the literary devices using APA citations (using a small font) and references (placed on the last slide).

Step 5. ***I removed this step because I will do this one***

Step 6. On a supporting Word document, write a brief introduction to the slide presentation with a reflective description of how this strategy supports vocabulary and comprehension development by extending learning.

Step 7. Follow the directions to submit both the PPT and the supporting Word or text document.

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