Whose philosophical ideas do you like best and why: 1) Heidegger; 2) Logical Positivists; 3) William James?
Please only use the attached links below as the resources for this writing. There are also video links attached; please watch if you can; it indeed will support the writing process
Links to the reading:
William Paley,Natural Theology (1805):https://faculty.uca.edu/benw/biol4415/papers/paley1.pdf
Hume’s Dialogues on Natural Religion: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/4583/4583-h/4583-h.htm
A.J. Ayer – From Language, Truth, and Logic: https://personal.lse.ac.uk/ROBERT49/teaching/ph201/Week02_Ayer.pdf
Albert Einstein’s quotes‘: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/224333-mein-weltbild