Methods of Research on Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Extracurricular Participation

Methods- (3-4 double-spaced pages)

The purpose of the methods’ section is to inform the reading audience how your research would be conducted. The “Methods” section contains several subheadings.

  • Participants: This is where you will specify your sample and population. Be sure to include how the sample was drawn and any restrictions on the selection of the sample. The total number of participants including the number in each condition should be clearly stated.
  • Materials: All relevant aspects of materials need to be included in this section. It will be important to describe them with detail. Materials such as survey instruments and tests, technologies/devices used, etc. need to be discussed.
  • Design: Explain the selected type of design (e.g., qualitative research- factorial, correlation, matched groups, etc.). Be sure to specify your variables if applicable.
  • Procedure: You will go step-by-step through the study in a way that makes it understandable and replicable to the reader (i.e., much like a recipe in a cookbook). If you cannot replicate the study from reading the Methods section, especially the Procedure, then you have not written it with sufficient detail. Describe exactly how the participants will be seated, manipulated, tested, monitored…everything that happens up through debriefing them and thanking them for participation. Include how the independent variable will be administered and how the dependent variable will be recorded, etc., if applicable. Any techniques used as a control in the experiment should also be included.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation: Describe how will you analyze the data you have collected. Include how will you compare and contrast data sets to identify common themes and patterns. Discuss how your data types, analysis, etc. attend to triangulation.

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