Classroom Practice Analysis
Download, complete, and submit the Classroom Practice Analysis as a Word document or PDF.
Posted Thu Apr 13, 2023 at 10:51 am
Criteria | Grading Scale |
Grading Scale | |||||
Resource Choice
Classroom Practice Analysis
For this activity, you will choose one of the downloadable resources from the course (if applicable), or one you’ve found on your own, to implement in your practice. If you are in the classroom currently, you will answer the first set of questions. If you are on break or not currently teaching, you will answer the second set of questions.
In the Classroom:
What is the name of the resource?
Why did you pick this resource to implement? Please be specific.
Before implementing the resource, what were your expectations on how it would impact your practice?
During implementation did you alter the resource in any way?
If so, how? And why?
If not, why?
How did students/colleagues respond during/after the resource? Do you think it positively impacted your audience? Why or why not?
How did the resource impact your practice? Please be specific.
No resource is neutral, from a critical consciousness perspective. What is the viewpoint/background of the author/creator of this resource? How might that viewpoint/background affect the way you use this resource, or make it more or less effective at working with your students?
How do you plan on improving the resource for the future?
Out of the classroom:
What is the name of the resource?
Why did you pick this resource? Please be specific.
No resource is neutral, from a critical consciousness perspective. What is the viewpoint/background of the author/creator of this resource? How might that viewpoint/background affect the way you use this resource, or make it more or less effective at working with students from varying backgrounds?
How do you plan on using this resource?
What specific modifications will you make to the resource to ensure its effectiveness in the classroom/with peers?
How do you think this resource will impact your classroom/peers?
How will you measure the success of this resource (e.g., assessment, data collection, etc.)?
Classroom Practice Analysis Rubric
Criteria |
4-Exceeds Expectations |
3-Meets Expectations |
2-Approaching Expectations |
1-Does Not Meet Expectations |
Resource Choice |
Learner provides the name of a relevant downloadable resource with a clearly articulated rationale for why the resource was selected. |
Learner provides the name of a downloadable resource with a rationale for why the resource was selected. |
Learner provides the name of a resource with a vague rationale for why the resource was selected. |
Learner does not define a downloadable resource and/or fails to provide a description of why the resource was selected. |
Planning |
Learner includes an explicit plan, outlining how the resource will be implemented with fidelity, including a thorough overview of the expected impact on peers and modifications to ensure effectiveness. |
Learner includes a plan, outlining how the resource will be implemented with an overview of the expected impact on peers and modifications to ensure effectiveness. |
Learner includes an underdeveloped plan, outlining vaguely how the resource will be implemented with an overview of some of the expected impacts on peers. |
Learner does not provide a plan that outlines how the resource will be implemented or the expected impact on peers. |
Analysis |
Learner provides a thoughtful reflection on how the resource did/will impact their classroom, peers, and/or practice, while indicating various expert ways to evaluate and modify the resource to ensure that it is effective. Learner deeply engages with the resource on issues related to author/creator perspective and critical consciousness. |
Learner provides a reflection on how the resource did/will impact their classroom, peers, and/or practice, while indicating various ways to evaluate and modify the resource to ensure that it is effective. Learner engages with the resource on issues related to author/creator perspective and critical consciousness. |
Learner provides a vague reflection on how the resource did/will impact their classroom, peers, and/or practice, while indicating one way to evaluate the resource to ensure that it is effective. Learner minimally engages with the resource on issues related to author/creator perspective and critical consciousness. |
Learner provides no reflection on how the resource did/will impact their classroom, peers, and/or practice, while failing to outline how they will evaluate the resource to ensure that it is effective. Learner does not engage with the resource on issues related to author/creator perspective and critical consciousness. |
Writing |
Learner’s writing is clear and concise with articulate language, thoughtful expression, and a careful attention to mechanics. |
Learner’s writing is clear with concise language, good expression, and a few mechanical errors. |
Learner’s writing is underdeveloped, contains few details, has little expression, and includes multiple mechanical errors. |
Learner’s writing is vague, lacks details, and contains multiple mechanical errors. |