The final essay assignment invites you to explore in detail a particular film in which poker has special significance. Choose one of the three feature films we are watching together to analyze:
In particular, your analysis should be focused primarily on explaining how your chosen film uses poker to convey particular themes and/or deliver particular messages.
This means you’ll want first to consider what your chosen film is about — that is, decide what are the themes and/or messages of the film — then think about how the film is using poker to address those themes. After studying the history of poker as well as its place in American culture for the last several weeks, you are in a good position both to understand these films as well as to appreciate and be able to comment on the role poker plays in them.
Also, when analyzing your film, refer to at least one of our assigned readings in support of your observation(s). The reference can be to Poker & Pop Culture, or to another of our readings. The reference does not have to be to a discussion of the film (such as in Poker & Pop Culture). Rather with this reference you can connect a point you’re making about the film to something else we’ve read this semester.
The reference to a source should only be supplementary to your main argument about the meaning of the film, though. Remember your primary focus throughout the paper should be on the film you’ve chosen and how it uses poker to convey a certain message or theme.
Let me encourage you to rewatch your chosen film before writing on it, taking notes so you can be specific with your references. You might also consult the Internet Movie DatabaseLinks to an external site. entry for your film to make sure to get character names, actor names, and other details correct in your essay.
Remember, when quoting from our class readings, do cite properly. Simply place the author’s last name and the page number of the text in parentheses after the quotation. If the work to which you are referring is understood, the page number alone will suffice. Since our course readings and the films are intended as your only outside sources for this essay, a Works Cited page is not necessary for this assignment.
Also, if you quote from the film, don’t worry about the parenthetical reference — the source will be understood.
Your essay should be 3-4 pages long and should be typed (preferably in 12-point font), double-spaced, and have one-inch margins. At the top of the first page, list your name, the course name, my name, and the date. And try give your essay an interesting title (something descriptive, not just the film title or “Essay 3”)!