Supporting Transgender Youth in Schools Under Title IX and How FERPA and OPRA Plays into it.



Transgender Youth in Schools Under Title IX and How FERPA and OPRA Plays into


FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Resources:




This paper asks students to explore one of their
own institutional policies focusing on any of the topics covered in the course.
After examining the language of the policies, they will be connecting those
policies to existing literature to try to explain why the policy they chose
meets (or maybe not meets) those standards as established by existing fed/state
policy or case law. Use readings both in class, as well as outside of class
(such as case law) to support your arguments. This paper seeks to understand
the connection between public policy and institutional policy. Assignment
should be 7 to 8 pages not including references. Each paragraph should have 2
to 4 citations APA style.


/ Rubric:


1. Introduce the
Institutional policy and Context (8pts)

* Situate the topic for the reader and explain
the purpose of the policy

* Provide institutional context that is important
to understand the policy

* If the policy language is long, please
summarize and only highlight pertinent quotes

2. Connect the institutional policy to State/Fed
policy or case law (8pts)

* Be sure to note the State/Fed Policy or Case
law you’re connecting too and give information necessary to understand the

* Be sure to explain how the institutional
policy connects (what’s the relationship?)

3. Evaluation of alignment between institutional
policy and State/Fed policy or case law 8pts

* Make a call—how well do you think the two
policies are aligned.

* Give adequate and thoughtful reasons for your

4. Overall writing- (3pts)

* Include a thesis statement

* Ensure the paper is organized and supports
your argument

5. Use of references and APA formatting- (3pts)

* Use literature to support the argument.

* Go beyond the readings in the class


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