My professor initially assigned us a 15 page paper in which we were requested to describe a learning experience that we designed in an informal context, based on our personal interests. The description should include where and how the learning takes place, as well as the application of theories and concepts from our course to describe the learning activity or context. The professor also requested that we connect our description and evaluation of the learning design to existing knowledge about learning in that setting, backed by at least three empirical studies. Additionally, we were asked to offer recommendations for enhancing learning in our designed environment, taking into account potential challenges and missed opportunities.
However, just a week before the deadline, our professor provided us with a new rubric and a sample paper outline to help us achieve an A grade. Now, I need to rewrite my paper to align with the new rubric and the sample paper outline to ensure that I meet the requirements for achieving an A grade. The rubric, sample paper, the artifact and my paper are attached for reference.
Make sure you change the artifact from webpage to blog throughout the paper.