– Use the textbook (from chapters 16-30) and other sources to provide evidence for the essay.
– Link for textbook:
– In an essay, select ONE ERA and provide a response to this question: “How do equality and freedom come to bear in American History with emphasis on one of the following eras:”
(Choose one)
- Reconstruction
- The 1920s
- The Great Depression
- World War II
- Civil Rights Movements of the 50s/60s
- The Vietnam Era
- The Clinton Year
– As writing the essay, can consider the following:
- Who was free? How did this freedom lend to the advancement of the group of study? How did it change, improve, or worsen society overall? Give examples with proof.
- How did the other segments of society react to this new freedom of the select group? Give examples with proof.
- Does freedom guarantee equality?
- Are equality and freedom the same things?
- Can freedom exist without equality?
- Consider how economics, social and cultural traditions and expectations, and politics both domestic and foreign, can shape these concepts above.