Enhancing Parent Engagement to Address Language and Cultural Disconnects in Schools


I already have something written, but would really like for you to please edit what I have according to feedback from the professor and to please fill in the Methodology and Methods part (that is provided in the template for the capstone). I would greatly appreciate it. 
This is the feedback from the professor for the part that I have already done and attached:

You are light on references.  Typically, to be considered “synthesis” in your literature review, you need at least two citations per paragraph.  There are some paragraphs you have with no citations, and many with just one.  When you lead a paragraph with a study (e.g., “Tong et al.” it reads like a summary, because each paragraph should express an idea that is supported by multiple studies.

You need a couple more pages to bring your literature review to 10 pages.

You need to expand on the stakeholders in your problem statement…  Discuss what the  benefits to each stakeholder will be.  Are there stakeholders beyond kids and their families?

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