I need help applying the feedback provided on the attached document to rewrite my paper and help shape my Thesis concept. I need help finding measures for each of my construct (depression, suicidality, cultural meaning making, and financial stress). I have 6 theories that I am looking to incorporate but I think my mentor clarifies in the feedback that she would like me to focus on strengthening the link between minorities diminished returns theory, financial inequities, and mental health disparities among black college students.
Research question:
How do Black college student’s cultural meaning making around financial stress mediate the relationship financial stressors and depression/suicide?
IV: Cultural meaning-making around financial stress
IV: Cultural stressors of financial stress
DV: Depressive Symptoms
DV: Suicidality
My proposed research thesis examines the relationship between financial stressors and mental health outcomes (depression and “suicidality”) among college students with a focus on students at Howard University. He introduces 6 theories to support the research aim: Brofenbrenner’s Social Ecological Theory, Minority Stress
Theory, Minority Diminished Return Theory, Cultural Theory and Model of Youth Suicide, Critical Race Theory, and Afrocentrism Theory.
There are concerns regarding the scattered links between the 6 theories, needs assessment aims (p. 6), and research questions (p. 19). How does the needs assessment inform the subsequent research question? How will constructs be measured (e.g., cultural meaning making [p. 15])? What are the constructs of interest? Deon’s research aims appears more informed by his opinions than by previous research (he cites research without connecting them to his research question). Lastly, (p. 25) what is meant by “author’s own creation”? Is the author Chu or Deon? The figure appears to be from Chu et al.?There are concerns regarding the scattered links between the 6 theories, needs assessment aims (p. 6), and research questions (p. 19). How does the needs assessment inform the subsequent research question? How will constructs be measured (e.g., cultural meaning making [p. 15])? What are the constructs of interest? Deon’s research aims appears more informed by his opinions than by previous research (he cites research without connecting them to his research question). Lastly, (p. 25) what is meant by “author’s own creation”? Is the author Chu or Deon? The figure appears to be from Chu et al.?