Learning Goal: I’m working on a literature multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
My Research Topic: Securing IOT Devices against Data Leaks Using End-To-End Technology
Methodology: Qualitative
Type of IRB Application: EXEMPT STUDY
I need help in completing my IRB Application and getting approval!
Need to complete both attached docs,
Exempt Application for Application for Org.docx – Need to send to professor for approval – Need answer for all questions
IRB Application Form.pdf – Need to submit to IRB – Need answer for all questions except 1 & 3.
Not understanding how to get below 2 supporting documents for IRB application:
- Site authorization: A letter of agreement or letter of cooperation from the data collection site.
- If you are working with schools/universities, IRB will not be approved without an email from the superintendent or school/university official giving permission to conduct the study.
- Recruitment Letter for anonymous surveys only
- The letter must include a live link to the survey instrument