Question 1. Imagine you are a counselor meeting with family members of a patient. A few vocal members of the family believe that substance use and addiction is not a disease. The family members assume it is due to a lack of willpower, moral weakness, and lack of faith. Most are convinced having an addiction is the same thing as tolerance and withdrawal to a drug. The family also thinks anyone who develop an addiction is at fault for the problem and brings shame on the family.
- Explain what defines addiction and why addiction is considered a brain disease.
- How is addiction different from presence of tolerance and withdrawal?
- How would you address the belief that addiction is shameful to the family?
Question 2 – You are conducting a community education session with a group of adults. This group has little or no understanding of addiction, substance use disorders and many misconceptions. In your own words, explain/describe the differences between:
- substance misuse,
- what defines a substance use disorder and severity ratings,
- tolerance and substance withdrawal
- addiction