Respond to the following:
The view of childhood has varied during different historical time periods and cultural contexts. Explore these variations by using the internet to locate and review materials covering the topics listed below:
- John Locke’s advice to parents
- Rousseau’s philosophy of child-rearing and Emile
- Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
- Baby Biographies
- The “girdle and chain” (Anthony Ashley Cooper)
Compose a well-written, two-page summary (double-spaced) of your findings. Be sure to cite all sources (online and print) using APA citations and a reference page.
Submission Instructions:
Create a message to your instructor (SME) using Messages link from the course menu on the left. Title your message: Extra Credit 1, and attach your assignment as a Word document.
NOTE: This extra credit assignment has a maximum value of 5 points. These points will be added to your final course grade to determine your overall course average. A total of 40 points is available by completing the extra credit opportunities in each lesson.