Write a 3-page paper on the topic of video games and aggressive or violent behavior, including a thesis, arguments to support your thesis, and evidence to support your arguments.
August 23, 2023August 23, 2023
Discipline: Psychology
For this assessment, you will write a paper that clearly states your thesis, introduces two or more arguments that support your thesis, and uses evidence to support your arguments. Remember that your thesis should be taking a stance on one side of the issue; your reader should be able to clearly be able to tell how you feel about video games and aggressive or violent behavior.
In your paper, address the following:
Write an introduction with a clear thesis statement to introduce the arguments.
Apply psychological principles to the creation of arguments and counterarguments.
Write a conclusion with a statement of point of view and implications.
Address assessment purpose in well-organized paragraphs, incorporating credible sources, accurate paraphrasing, tone, and citations.
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