Module #4: Non-Teacher Feedback Discussion Board: Setting Students up for Success

Reflect on what you’ve learned.

  • How often do you provide opportunities for peer review or group work in your classroom? 
  • What types of feedback do these experiences provide to your students? Is the feedback largely constructive?

Post to the discussion board.

  • Briefly describe one strategy you currently use – or would consider implementing – to provide opportunities for quality student-student interaction and feedback in your classroom. 
  • Take a closer look at one or more of the learning materials you provide to students. What feedback are these materials providing to your students in regard to their abilities, race, culture, experiences, etc. How might different students see themselves represented or positioned in this material? What impact might this feedback have on their ability to engage with and learn from these materials? 
  • What changes might you be able to make in your approach to student-student interaction and student-content interaction to better foster an engaging, inclusive, and equitable learning environment that reduces bias, promotes safety and diversity in the classroom, and supports the unique needs, learning styles, and racial and cultural identities of your students.

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings.

  • Your response should extend the discussion (i.e., ask a question, provide a similar experience, make a suggestion).
Colleague response
patricia G.

Thu Jun 15, 2023 at 5:12 pm

One strategy I would consider implementing to provide opportunities for quality student-student interaction and feedback in my classroom is the use of collaborative group work or projects. By assigning students to work in groups on tasks or projects, they can actively engage with one another, share their ideas, and provide feedback to their peers.
In terms of learning materials, it is important to critically evaluate them for their representation and positioning of students in regard to their abilities, race, culture, and experiences. One way to address this is by ensuring that the learning materials reflect diverse perspectives and experiences. This can include incorporating texts, images, and examples that represent a range of racial and cultural backgrounds. By doing so, different students can see themselves represented and feel included, which can positively impact their ability to engage with and learn from the materials.
To foster an engaging, inclusive, and equitable learning environment, I would make the following changes in my approach:
Implement diverse and inclusive content: I would regularly review and update learning materials to include a variety of perspectives, experiences, and cultural references. This would help students from different backgrounds feel valued and represented. As well as encouraging respectful dialogue and active listening: I would establish norms and expectations for respectful communication and active listening in the classroom. This would create a safe and inclusive environment where students can share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions. By implementing these changes, I aim to create a learning environment that reduces bias, promotes diversity, and supports the unique needs, learning styles, and racial and cultural identities of my students.


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