“Infusing Technology in the 6-12 Classroom: A Guide to Meeting Today’s Academic Standards”,

Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the e-text “Infusing
Technology in the 6-12 Classroom: A Guide to Meeting Today’s Academic
Standards”, and respond to the following. If you are not currently in the
classroom, reflect on your experience as a student or consider what you saw
when you conducted any field experience hours. Copy and paste the questions
into your response. Use another color for your response. Respond to at least 2
of your peers.

1.    To what extent are
families at your school able to support their students’ educational technology
use? Explain.

2.    What kind of
technology is available at your school (classroom laptops/Chromebooks/tablets,
classroom computers/computer lab, 1-1 tablets/Chromebooks)?

3.    What additional
technologies are available in your classroom (desktop computer, tablet,
document camera, interactive whiteboard, clickers, etc.), and how do you use

4.    What barriers do you
face in your classroom, school, or district with incorporating technology in
teaching and learning?

5.    Share your favorite
method of incorporating technology in your classroom.

If you can’t access to this book I will try tomorrow

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