PSY 638 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
Building upon your work for Milestones One and Two, you will submit a draft of your grant proposal’s Intervention Strategy and Implementation Plan sections.
Specifically, address the following critical elements in your milestone assignment:
- Intervention Strategy: Research and justify the selection of a theoretically supported and effective evidence-based intervention strategy for addressing the target issue.
- Efficacy: Analyze and critique at least two evidence-based intervention strategies for. Inconsistencies and effectiveness. You can find examples of evidence-based intervention strategies in the course readings.
- Critically examine intervention strategies for consistency with current developmental theories.
- How effective were these strategies in addressing their respective issues? To what extent would these intervention strategies address the issue identified in your community?
- Selection: Select one evidence-based intervention strategy and justify your selection. Based on its effectiveness and the individual, familial, environmental, cultural, and political factors. Your strategy should be appropriate for your age-specific population.
- Efficacy: Analyze and critique at least two evidence-based intervention strategies for. Inconsistencies and effectiveness. You can find examples of evidence-based intervention strategies in the course readings.
Ethics: Analyze the selected evidence-based intervention strategy for possible ethical and legal issues from the perspective of the provider and from the perspective of the client.
- Implementation Plan: Construct a plan to implement the selected intervention strategy in your community.
- Narrative: Compose a narrative to describe the setting, personnel, target population, length of time for service, and capacity of the proposed program.
- Training: Formulate and thoroughly describe a strategy for training personnel according to the selected intervention strategy.
- Assessment: Recommend and thoroughly describe an assessment plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention strategy.
- Ethics: Assess the ethical and legal implications of implementing the intervention strategy in your community. Refer and cite as needed to an appropriate, relevant, professional code of ethics such as the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
What to Submit
Your paper must be submitted as a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least five sources cited in APA format. Organize your submission so that it has two separate headings that address each of the following issues as described above: Intervention Strategy and Implementation Plan. Use subheadings as necessary to address the issues identified under these two headings above. Use appropriate formatting according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: 7th Edition, including a separate title page and a separate reference page. The title page and reference page do not count toward your page total for this assignment.
really need the paper to continuously flow.