Word count = 1000 words +/- 10%
Need to include in text reference and end refence in APA 7th edition format – must be current
and credible academic sources – academic journal
The source must be within 5 years and from high quality sources – relevant scholarly references needed.
Assessment 1 Information
Independent Written Report that covers the Elements of Health
Independent Written Report that covers the Elements of Health
Assessment as it relates to Nurses.
This is a description and analytical paper based on the main topic of Health Assessment.
You are required to develop a 1000-word paper that covers the following sub heading areas:
• Introduction – Concise brief introduction that includes a definition of health assessment; and
also explains the purpose & coverage of the paper (Approx. 150 words).
• Significance of Health Assessment – Discuss and analyse the clinical significance of health
assessment knowledge and application for health professionals (including nurses).
assessment knowledge and application for health professionals (including nurses).
350 words)
350 words)
• Nursing Standards and Health Assessment – Discuss the relevance of Singapore Nursing
Board (SNB) Nursing standards (Code for Nurses and Midwives) to nurses applying Health
Board (SNB) Nursing standards (Code for Nurses and Midwives) to nurses applying Health
Assessment. Then provide at least three relevant Code Principles and give a clinical example
for each – Context must be based on Singapore Nursing Board ,Nursing standards
for each – Context must be based on Singapore Nursing Board ,Nursing standards
(Code for nurses and midwives) to nurses applying Health Assessment.
(Approx. 400 words).
• Conclusion – Brief concise review (summary) of the main points contained in the paper
(Approx. 100 words)
Additional information
– Please use all of the sub headings shown above as your main
– Please use all of the sub headings shown above as your main
subtitles/sections in the paper
– Please see the A1 marking guide for specific and guiding
– Please see the A1 marking guide for specific and guiding
submission requirements
– Note: Presentation and referencing are also part of the marking criteria (please see the marking
– Referencing format: APA 7th Ed
– Note: Presentation and referencing are also part of the marking criteria (please see the marking
– Referencing format: APA 7th Ed
Fully bracketed in-text references will not be considered as part of the word count for this
– In-text references are required in all the various sections of the paper; except for the very final
conclusion section where in-text references are not required (as this is just a summary of the
conclusion section where in-text references are not required (as this is just a summary of the
paper content that has already been referenced).
paper content that has already been referenced).
– Remember that high standards of literature use, research and analysis are required to do well
this paper!
this paper!
– No AI technology is to be used for developing your work (Note: Tools like Grammarly can be
to checked your work for sentence grammar issues can be used after you have completed your
original work).
to checked your work for sentence grammar issues can be used after you have completed your
original work).
Turnitin able to detect CHATGPT context and Kindly avoid CHATGPT/AI – A BIG CONCERN
Spelling must be based on Australian english.