In this paper, you propose a research project that utilizes one of the designs covered in the
course. Specifically, you may propose either: Experimental, Quasi-experimental, Non-
experimental desrcriptive or correlational.
No matter which strategy you choose, your paper will contain all the sections of a researhc
report for forth in the APA guilde except for the analysis and results. (You are only proposing
a study, not carrying one out.) Thus, you should have a APA style cover sheet, abstract,
introduction-including literature review-hypotheis, method, discussion, and references as
well as any tables or fugures you might find useful.
Please avoid directly quoting as all costs.
You paper should be structured as follows:
Title pape
Literature review
-Introduce and summarize research (include discussion of at least 10 peer reviewed
empiracl psychology articles)
Set up your hypothesis (Final statement in thsi section should be your hypothesis)
Proposal method
Proposed sample
measures (including how these will be reliable and valid)
Research strategy
Research design
Discussion of threats to validity and how they will be managed
-Because you will not have results to discuss, you should discuss
The contribution that your study will make on the literature if your hypotheses are
supported. (What does your study add to the literature that you already reviewed?
What unique contribution does it make?)
The strengths and weaknesses of your methodology.
What kinds of conclusions can be drawn?
Will you be able to show causation, given the design you chose?
APA style reference list. Tables and figures are also okay, but not required. If you do include
them, they must be in APA format.
3,000 words excluding title page, references, and tables and figures.
APA format, 12 pt, Times New Roman font