ETHICS CASE STUDY* case study is uploaded uploaded under CASE OF ANISH
PLEASE READ THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS (ETHIC NOTES FOR HELP WITH CASE STUDY) here it exaplains the break down and what to do for each step 1-10 for CASE STUDY of ANISH, FORMAT MUTST BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY-MUST BE IN APA FORMAT 7th EDITION and counseling journal no more than ten years old and must have DOI for reference. Follow steps 1-10 for case study format answering each questions examples are listed. Must reference ACA code of Ethics and ASCA.
NOT-for STEP 5 must have at least 3 sources. Search out ethics scholarship 1(This is not an annotated bibliography, this is integrated, mini literature review. Remember to cite in APA format. Also remember in APA format anything cited must be referenced, and anything referenced must be cited. References are to be put at the end of the case study paper on its own page per APA format. You should be using more than one article and you may use the text as one of your sources. Remember, all sources must be scholarly literature search-citations for blackboard should not be older than 10 years. Must be in counseling.