Unit Essay Peer Review Requirements:
Your peer essay review is an annotated draft and response letter.
in a peer review?
1. You
should read your partner’s work three times. First, read it all
the way through without stopping to get the overall effect. Did it make sense?
Could you follow their logic?
2. For
the second time around, mark up the essay as you go, editing it in a Word doc.
Make comments on their reasoning, examples, syntax (the way the sentences are
formed). Are they too cluttered? Too bare? Do they need more details? Does the
organization make sense?
3. Lastly,
read through one more time, picking up anything you might have missed. In your
letter, tell the writer what’s working well and what needs
improvement. Be constructive in your criticism, aiming to make the essay the
best version of itself it can be. Remove personal taste and opinion from the
equation. Make sure you use the vocabulary and concepts from relevant lessons.
Are they applying what we’ve learned?
4. A comment should be at least three sentences, and should include what
you learned from their response, whether you agree/disagree and why, further
questions on their perspective, or your own thoughts on an idea they shared.
Keep it focused on the week’s topic and be specific.