Took a Career test provided by the teacher on and it stated that the top jobs for me are Judge or Hearing Officer, Human Resources Manager, training or delvelopment manager, Emergency management director, Social Worker, High school Teacher.. Not interested in none of those career choices. Definitely love helping people and a nurse is the route I would love to go on.
I am currently a pharmacy technician full-time.
Research what colleges actually offer the courses/degrees that you are interested in.
How long will it take you to get the degree you want? Will you be able to get all of the pre-reqs here at Valencia College?
What are the requirements that you need to have in order to get into the program that you will get your degree. Do you need to be licensed? Will you need to take Continued Education Credits?
How much will your desired degree cost? Where are you going to get the money? How much money do you anticipate this job paying you in the future? Will there be a need for this job in the future?