4-6 page preliminary program and stakeholder analysis for a human service program

Perform a complete rewrite of the attached essay. References are provided, but feel free to add additional if necessary. DO NOT USE AI! My school scans for AI.


To successfully complete this assessment, write a 4–6 page program description and stakeholder analysis. This will be an internal planning document; its purpose is to gather information that you would share with other evaluators on your team.


Describe the program of your choice and discuss why you selected this particular program. Answer the following:

  • What population (or populations) does the program seek to serve?
  • What is the general history of the program?
  • What are the main goals of the program? What would be recognized as operational definitions of “success” or “successful outcomes” for the program? Analyze what the desired benefits of the program would be for each type of program participant.
  • How could these outcomes be measured?
  • What sorts of evaluative research could be undertaken to assess how well the program meets its goal?
  • What other questions would you like to have answered about the program?


Describe all program participants and other stakeholders. Think broadly to include all who could be involved at any level, including not only direct participants but also administrators and perhaps political authorities and others who would have a stake in program outcomes.

  • What are their roles and functions?
  • Detail how you would plan to facilitate communication and collaboration with them. (Readings in King and Stevahn’s 2013 book Interactive Evaluation Practice: Mastering the Interpersonal Dynamics of Program Evaluation are highly recommended for this.)
  • Despite the fact that it is beyond the scope of this assessment to actually meet with program stakeholders, what do you think the answers to following would be for each of the stakeholders you identified? Please keep in mind that while it is expedient for you to imagine the answers to these questions for this exercise, in an actual program evaluation it would be extremely important for you consult with the stakeholders to research the answers to these questions.
    • Might there be any possible conflicts of interest among different types of stakeholders?
    • What risks or unfavorable outcomes might they be concerned about?
    • What are their desired outcomes from the program?
  • On the basis of the answers that you arrived at, what interpersonal or political considerations should you take into account to assure your program evaluation would be effective and appreciated?
Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is well organized and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA style: Comply with current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of references: Minimum of three academic resources.
  • Length: Submission includes 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to a cover page and references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

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