It’s time to put your growing communication skills to the test! Thus
far in the semester we’ve learned about the dialogue model of
communication, types of sustainability communications for different
audiences, storytelling and editing, fact checking, and interviewing.
Your mid-term task is to put all of this to work to write the script for
a TED-style talk, on the sustainability topic of meat production from factory farming operations in the United States.
Your TED talk script should be long enough to fill about 10 minutes
of time, which is roughly 1,000 -1,200 words. TED talks are part
storytelling and part information sharing, and for this assignment your audience is university students and young adults who can change how we consume meat in the future and potentially find alternatives. Write your script with them in
To get started, I recommend consulting this guide :
and watching a couple of TED talks for inspiration. You’ll notice that
different speakers use different approaches: some use storytelling more
than others, whereas some speakers rely on interesting visuals or
unexpected ideas to make their point. There are many ways to do this
For this mid-term, you need to turn in two things: Your script
(1,000-1,200 words) and a short (~2 paragraph) supporting document
explaining who your chosen audience is and how your choice of audience
influenced the communication choices you made in your script. You do not
need to create a slideshow or other visuals. Your script should be
fact-checked, with hyperlinks to your sources where necessary.