My study is about the inclusive policies and social equity measures by corporates and its impact on employee productivity and employee welfare . i only need 50 literature review in harvard style, i am proviidng some links like 18 reference links. write lietrature review using that links and for the rest, find papers and journals and write literature review. 1. The role of social equity in employee performance of the banking sector | Journal of Banking and Social Equity (JBSE) (
2. – Inclusive workplace: A review and model
3. – corporate sexual orientation
6. – Inclusive leadership and job satisfaction in Omani higher education: the mediation of psychological ownership and employee thriving . 7. – Inlusive leadership: A framework,
7. – Moving from Theory to Practice: An Evaluative Assessment of Social Equity Approaches,
8. – Mediation of “AKHLAK” corporate culture and affective commitment on the effect of inclusive leadership on employee performance,
9. – CEO social power, board inclusiveness, and corporate performance after ethnic conflicts
10. – EDI and women inequalities at work, – Inclusive Leadership: A framework to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and cultivate belonging
11. – performance, social equity and gender
12. EDI and Women’s Inequality at Work: A Scoping Review | Emerald Insight
15. – Oil extraction and gender equality for social equity: The role of corporate social responsibility in Nigeria’s coastal communities
17. – challenges and opportunities for women to advance in the federal civil service ; veterans preference and promotions
18. – Inclusive Leadership: A Scientometric Assessment of an Emerging Field