Digital Fluency PowerPoint Presentation Gen102

Learning Goal: I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this assignment, you will create a five-slide PowerPoint presentation on the three components of digital fluency and on building a fluent mindset toward technology. Making a PowerPoint presentation is a good opportunity to increase your technical proficiency skills because Microsoft PowerPoint is the leading slideshow presentation software. It is a useful tool for conveying ideas, presenting information, and showcasing media. You should access PowerPoint through your UAGC Microsoft 365 account.

In addition to writing content for your slides, you must also write slide notes, called speaker notes. For each slide (except your title slide), your speaker notes should contain a minimum of 100 words describing and expanding on the slide content.

You are also expected to use some of the design features within PowerPoint by including images on your slides and applying a design theme to your presentation.

Once you have created your presentation using PowerPoint, you will need to save it as a PDF file with your speaker notes visible and submit it to Waypoint.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

In your five-slide PowerPoint presentation that utilizes a consistent design theme (no plan black and white slides), use the bullet points below as a guide for each of your slides:

Slide 1 (Title Slide):

  • Create a title slide that includes the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Your name
    • Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Due date

Slide 2:

  • Include a slide title (e.g., “Technical Proficiencyâ€�).
  • List three skills, characteristics, or actions that a technically proficient person would have.
  • Include an image that represents technical proficiency.

In the Speaker Notes of Slide 2 (at least 100 words),

    • Define what technical proficiency means to you.
    • Explain how you can become more technically proficient.
    • Discuss why becoming technically proficient is important.

Slide 3:

  • Include a slide title (e.g., “Digital Literacyâ€�).
  • List three skills, characteristics, or actions that a digitally literate person would have.
  • Include an image that represents digital literacy.

In the Speaker Notes of Slide 3 (at least 100 words),

    • Define what digital literacy means to you.
    • Explain how you can become more digitally literate.
    • Discuss why becoming digitally literate is important.

Slide 4:

  • Include a slide title (e.g., “Social Competenceâ€�).
  • List three skills, characteristics, or actions that a socially competent person would have.
  • Include an image that represents social competency.

In the Speaker Notes of Slide 4 (at least 100 words),

    • Define what social competence means to you.
    • Explain how you can become more socially competent.
    • Discuss why becoming socially competent is important.

Slide 5:

  • Include a slide title (e.g., “Building a Fluent Mindsetâ€�).
  • List three ways to build a fluent mindset toward digital technology.
  • Include an image that represents having a fluent mindset toward digital technology.

In the Speaker Notes of Slide 5 (at least 100 words),

    • Explain what it means to have a fluent mindset toward technology.
    • Discuss ways you can become “fluentâ€� in your approach to your digital environment.
    • Explain why having a fluent mindset toward technology is important

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