After you had enough time thinking about your project. Checked your SWOT; Analyzed the STEP factors; Reviewed your Ability, Stretched your Capability…
Submit a “Brief” Executive Summary of the dream project you want to have, to express your success and apply your entrepreneurial skills.
Present the Mission Statement/Motto/Inner goal… List the milestones, objectives, and requirements to put together this dream into action.
List your establishing plan
List your requirements to start
List your “must” to start
List your obstacles and challenges
List your risks
List the potential “Future Pictures you see”
List what you see, but no one sees or understands about your project.
List why do you believe in this project
List what might make you drop the project
Break down your plans into the Marketing Plan and Execution Phases. (In this phase of the project, you don’t need to submit Final Plan)
Present your Business Model
Present a timetable for the expectation, execution, and milestones you will be driving your project through.
Present your communication plan including your supply chain network
Even if you did your work in a group. You need to submit individually your project in your workplace on Moodle, so you get a grade.
All the above you did in the Midterm. Part 2 is what you need to submit for the final
Part 2
Plan for fundraising
Risk Analysis Plan
Plan for pitching your project to Venture Capitalists/Investors
Conditions, Terms, and Agreement lines