Idea: Glamour Ladies Magazine vs A Men’s Magazine
Hypothesis, which references losing weight more/changing yourself the men’s or lady’s magazine.
Step 1: Identify and Collect Data
Step 2: Determine Coding Categories
Step 3: Code the Content for frequency, direction, in
Step 4: Check Validity and Reliability
Step 5: Analyze and Present Results: (in a note-taking-styled MLA report with lists, breakdowns, and clear explanations.) (VERY Detailed!)
12 point font
double space
times new roman
clear, concise grammar/punctuation
In-text and work references
Assignment in simple Terms
Log advertisements in two magazines, and review for initial keyword list. Hone the list. Survey the magazines by counting the keywords you find. Perform content analysis for the ads and report results. Discuss who the target audience is.
Gerth and Siegert (2012) selected 24 different newspapers and 5 TV news programs that targeted the population for the campaign and then coded 3,570 arguments made in them about the campaign during its 14 week.
Dill and Thill (2007) presented percentages and other statistics that showed that, among other differences, female characters were much more likely to be portrayed in sexualized ways in video game images than were male characters.