The oral presentation will be conducted by me. However, I would like a nice PowerPoint presentation of 6 to 8 slides completed for the oral presentation. Please see the requirements for the presentation below. Once again, all I require is a presentation from the attached document that I provided.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in presenting your analysis to a
client or group of interested individuals.
Assignment: Prepare and record an oral and visual presentation of your policy analysis to your
client. You will have a limited time to present the facts of the issue, what evidence you found to
support the need to make a change, what alternatives you considered, and how you made your
final recommendation. You will also have a visual portion of your presentation to enhance your
ability to communicate clearly and precisely.
Requirements: The oral presentation is to be recorded and should last between 9 to 11 minutes.
You are to prepare 6 to 8 visuals to support your oral presentation. Follow best “smart�
practices for both the oral and visual components of your presentation. Limited notes can be used
during your presentation, but reading from your notes would not be best practices nor would
reading from your visuals. Your recording should be positioned in such a way that you and your
visuals are in the frame 100% of the time. The recording device should be considered the client;
therefore, speak directly to your client, make good eye contact, and be aware of your audience.
Please review the Policy Analysis Project: Part 6 – Oral Presentation Grading Rubric for details
of how your assignment will be scored.