Summarize Joan Morgan reading Gwendolyn Pough, “My Cipher Keeps Movin’ Lie a Rollin’ Stone: Black Women’s Expressive Cultures and Black Feminist Legacies�, pp. 41-74 , Gwendolyn Pough, “My Cipher Keeps Movin’ Lie a Rollin’ Stone: Black Women’s Expressive Cultures and Black Feminist Legacies�, pp. 41-74 , Gwendolyn Pough, “[Re]reconstructing Womanhood: Black Women’sNarratives in Hip-Hip Culture�, pp. 103-125. Provide a clear summary using examples, terms, etc. PART 2 Critical Reflection What do think? Do you agree/disagree? Why/why not? Can you relate? If so provide examples. What did you learn (terms, concepts, etc)? How does this connect to your personal narrative?
650-700 total words total.
Type, 14 size font, double space.