Anxiety in teenagers

Format and Length: 

APA format – four to five pages double spaced preferred, but no more than seven pages not including cover page and reference page.
Audience: Community
Purpose: This assignment will prepare you to analyze arguments and evaluate the validity of an argument, introduce you to psychology as a science, and help prepare you for the more advanced writing skills you will need as you progress in your academic career.
Each student will complete a written assignment in which they critically evaluate a psychological issue. Specifically, your paper will include one of the following: 1) identifying strengths and/or weaknesses in a theory or study: 2) applying psychological information to yourself or a real-world problem: 3) making recommendations for how to improve a theory or area of study. As a part of your assignment, you are required to evaluate the quality of the source of the information and demonstrate your knowledge of appropriate sources of scientific information (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles) and inappropriate sources of scientific information (e.g., unsubstantiated media claims.) Your text can serve as foundation for your presentation. But, you will need to include at least one peer reviewed article in your analysis. You can also add a non-peer reviewed article in your assessment if it helps explain your presentation. Further, you must integrate knowledge across different fields of study or perspectives. For example, students might apply two or more psychological perspectives to the same topic or draw from psychological research in different subfields (e.g., personality and health psychology.) Finally, students must apply knowledge of psychology to themselves or the world around them. 
Attached to this assignment is a rubric I will be using to grade your paper. Please read carefully and ensure your writing assignment conforms to the rubric. I recommend that you share a draft of your writing assignment with another person who can use this rubric to score your paper and make recommendations for improvement prior to turning in your final draft to me for grading.
You can turn your signature assignment into me early, date is noted on syllabus for an initial grade, and I will grade the paper using the rubric. I will return the paper back to you the following week for your review. You may choose to accept the grade earned, or you can edit the document for a higher grade. I will not give you a lower grade then the initial review. I will grade the final draft and give you the better grade. Learning to write at the college level is critical your future success in academia. 
 General Psychology PSYC 102 Signature Assignment Rubric
There will be one writing assignment for this class. The following rubric will used to evaluate your paper. I recommend you use this rubric when preparing your assignment so that you include each important element in you writing assignment. I will use this rubric to grade your writing assignment. 
Introduction. Introduce issue you are exploring in your paper. Briefly explain the importance of this issue within Psychology. 
10 points
Summary. Summary of issue(s), according to the articles assigned. Author’s perspective clearly presented. 
10 points
Analysis and Response. Use of specific and convincing examples from the articles studied across two or more different fields of study or perspectives to support your claims, making insightful and applicable connections between articles. Specific, thoughtful, and meaningful connections to the articles and your own life or the environment around you are made. Response shows depth of thinking; reasons, explanations, details, and/or examples from articles are given to support ideas, opinions, and thoughts. Your response should consider the quality of the sourced referenced. 
40 points
Conclusion. A meaningful conclusion explains the importance of the readings and how they can be used. Describes what was learned from these articles. Describes relevance to psychology and the study of people. Shows insight into meaning of the readings.
10 points
Organization & Grammar. Strong introduction and conclusion. Consistent and coherent logical progression. Uses clear and skillful transitions. Uses headings to clearly identify each section of the paper and paragraphs to group coherent thoughts. Displays correct spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar. Writes clearly. Skillful sentence structure. Paper written in student’s own words. 
10 points
APA Style.
Cover Page (5 points)
Citations (10 points)
Reference Page (5 points)
20 points
A = Excellent
B = Exceeds Standards
C = Meets Standards
D = Partially Proficient
F= Did not do/Incomplete
Each page short results in 10 points lost. Late papers result in 10 points lost.
100 points possible
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 – D
59 and below = F

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