Please read carefully the following instructions before taking on this argumentative essay.
Consider the quote below and write a an argumentative essay. In your essay, you need to state your stand/position to the statement, provide examples to illustrate your points and show analytical insights.
“The opposite of riches is not poverty; the opposite of riches is justice�.
Arguments cannot be too straight forward. Must show complexities in argument. That is, show the other side of the argument also backed by evidence and show that the main you are making is not perfect. But overall still stands. Just an example.
Please include in-text citations.
Expectations of argumentative essay structure:
1. ONE Introduction
Does your essay have a suitable introduction which identifies the topic?
•This should not merely describe but give some indication of analysis (should convey your stand).
• These themes should be mentioned in the introduction in the same order that they are mentioned in the actual essay. Either write it last or edit your draft introduction once you have finished the essay so that you can edit it to match the actual structure of the finished document.
Suggestion: Your introduction should be approximately 10% of the word count and kept to 1 paragraph.
2. Main body
•To signpost the structure of the essay to the reader, make it clear at the start of a new main point what you are about to go on to examine. Ensure that each paragraph is actually answering the question you have been set.
•Are the paragraphs linked in a logical manner (i.e. does your essay flow from one point to another)?
•When you make a point or argument in the essay, or give a factual statement, do you provide evidence that supports it?
•This evidence will normally be given by referring to research that has been done by others eg. books, journal articles, websites. This is why it is important to read widely on your topic.
•Suggestion: Your main body should be approximately 80% of the word count.
3. ONE Conclusion
Does your conclusion address the essay question?
Is your conclusion supported by the work and evidence you have produced in the main body of the text? If the answer you give here contradicts the evidence you give in the main body of the essay, then you need to either reconsider your conclusion
or the evidence you have used in the main body.