Use the articule pdf
Read the article and make sure you can answer these specific research related items.\r
a. What is the research method?\r
b. How did they obtain their sample and how many participants in the sample?\r
c. What are the independent and dependent variables?\r
d. What are the operational definitions for those variables (how do they measure them)?\r
e. What is the hypothesis being tested?\r
f. Was the hypothesis supported by their findings?\r
g. What other information did they find that might be significant?\r
5. Write a paper providing the information from above, and critically analyze the findings from your own perspective (tell me the strengths and limitations of the research). Include a brief about if this should be repeated, and if so how could it be modified to provide better evidence towards the objective truth?
The paper will have 3 sections, with each one starting a new page: Title page, Body, and References Section. Your Body should be at least one page, your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages (including title page and references). \r
Any charts and diagrams should go in a separate section titled Appendix and attaches to the back of your paper. Remember they need to be cited too.\r
Two reference minimum: You may want to cite your textbook, and should include it in your references.\r
Be sure to follow APA style a guide can be found in the library.
Reading the Article: Points to Consider\r
Read the article carefully. Record your impressions and note sections suitable for quoting.\r
Who is the intended audience?\r
What is the author’s purpose? To survey and summarize research on a topic? To present an argument that builds on past research? To refute another writer’s argument?\r
Does the author define important terms?\r
Is the information in the article fact or opinion? (Facts can be verified, while opinions arise from interpretations of facts.) Does the information seem well-researched or is it unsupported?\r
What are the author’s central arguments or conclusions? Are they clearly stated? Are they supported by evidence and analysis?\r
If the article reports on an experiment or study, does the author clearly outline methodology and the expected result?\r
What research method was used?\r
How did the researcher get a sample? What is the sample size? Who made up the sample? Is the sample representative?\r
Identify the independent and dependent variables. Were other variables controlled? Can cause and effect be considered from this research method?\r
What were the results of the study? Was the hypothesis confirmed?\r
What is the author’s interpretation of the data? Are the findings related back to the previous literature cited in the first part of the article? Did the author acknowledge any limitations of the study?\r
Is the author’s language objective or charged with emotion and bias?\r
If illustrations or charts are used, are they effective in presenting information?Reading the Article: Points to Consider\r
Read the article carefully. Record your impressions and note sections suitable for quoting.\r
Who is the intended audience?\r
What is the author’s purpose? To survey and summarize research on a topic? To present an argument that builds on past research? To refute another writer’s argument?\r
Does the author define important terms?\r
Is the information in the article fact or opinion? (Facts can be verified, while opinions arise from interpretations of facts.) Does the information seem well-researched or is it unsupported?\r
What are the author’s central arguments or conclusions? Are they clearly stated? Are they supported by evidence and analysis?\r
If the article reports on an experiment or study, does the author clearly outline methodology and the expected result?\r
What research method was used?\r
How did the researcher get a sample? What is the sample size? Who made up the sample? Is the sample representative?\r
Identify the independent and dependent variables. Were other variables controlled? Can cause and effect be considered from this research method?\r
What were the results of the study? Was the hypothesis confirmed?\r
What is the author’s interpretation of the data? Are the findings related back to the previous literature cited in the first part of the article? Did the author acknowledge any limitations of the study?\r
Is the author’s language objective or charged with emotion and bias?\r
If illustrations or charts are used, are they effective in presenting information?