Read the required textbook or other material assigned for the week. Then write a response essay of at least 1200 words on one the discussion topic identified for 3 out of 9 possible weeks. Take a position and defend it using evidence. (Specify a thesis and support it very briefly with evidence) Again, a total of 3 response essays are required over the 9 core course weeks (2-10).\r
Each response essay MUST make reference to an idea or concept taken from the course readings or text-book and should provide one example from the contemporary world to support your position. You must also have a source reference if you refer to any material which is neither common knowledge nor personal experience. (An essay that does not clearly reference a course reading will receive no mark.)\r
Each essay should be structured as follows:\r
An introduction in which you state your thesis. The thesis is composed of a claim about the idea you are referencing (e.g. justice, truth, fairness, etc.) + a clear and controlling reason. Essays without a clear thesis will receive a below average grade, generally less than a C.\r
Five or more paragraphs that provide support or evidence for the position taken.\r
•\tStart with a topic sentence that links the evidence you will provide back to your thesis\r
•\tHave 3-5 sentences of supporting evidence or examples\r
•\tWill usually have a concluding or summarizing sentence\r
•\tOne of those paragraphs MUST identify and explain a relevant course textbook concept with appropriate reference.\r
•\tOne of those paragraphs should identify and explain a real-world supporting example.\r
A conclusion that summarizes the argument and may extrapolate briefly regarding other implications.\r
What do you make of the responses of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard to the relationship between ethics and religion? Choose one of these writers or both to compare and attempt to answer the follow key questions. According to Kierkegaard/Nietzsche how does faith/religion either contribute to or detract from living an ethical life? Do you find their arguments having any relevance to your own life? Explain with an example.”