“Expand the draft attached (PSI for Acta Futura) with the following:\r
– What his Natural Language Processing
– Natural Language Processing to monitor Psychological wellbeing
– Subparagraph on the LIWC software
– a more in-depth review of the NLP literature to monitor psychological status, with a focus on Isolated and Confined Environments, Space Analogs, and Space Missions\r
– A paragraph on the links between Psychological and Physiological Stress\r
– a subparagraph on the effects of stress on the cardiovascular system, with a focus on heart rate and blood pressure
– a subparagraph about gender differences in stress effects (both psychological and physiological)
– Rewrite the statistical analysis and results in paragraphs in a more analytical and formal way\r
1) Discuss the trends resulted from the repeated measures anova ( the file is PSI no LIWC repeated ANOVA)
2) discuss the results from the correlation analysis of all PSI metrics separated by gender (use the PSI Men and the PSI Women files) we had a total of 45 participants, 22 F and 23 M (as you see in the Excel file)
3) Discuss the correlation results of the LIWC software metrics relatives to the two major linguistic groups we had, separated by gender
— English speakers (17 M and 12 F), use the files EN liwc M and EN liwc F
— Polish speakers (7 M and 6 F), use the files PL liwc M and PL liwc F
– There are differences based on gender an language backgrounds, thus the need of an AI able to detect those differences and define the peculiar trends of each crew member
– a paragraph with an in-depth analysis of the potential application of NLP to develop an AI assistant to be used on board spacecraft for beyond-earth orbit missions\r
– Format everything for frontiers journals\r
the PSI is a software created by the research group to collect:
– A short text to be encrypted and analysed with NLP, it is able to determine: Type time (in seconds), Word count, number of different words, number of character per word
– basic cardiovascular data: Heart rate (the average of 2 measures taken 60 sec between the two) , blood pressure (the average of 2 measures taken 60 sec between the two) as by best practices,
– a short psychological questionnaire.
See the attachments \”PSI protocol\” and \”PSI software instructions\”.
Some acronyms you’ll find in the analysis:\r
– TT ïƒ type time\r
– CW ïƒ number of characters per word\r
– WC ïƒ word count\r
– MBP ïƒ mean blood pressure\r (determined using the formula (2 diastolic + systolic)/3
– HR ïƒ Heart Rate\r
– Ans Q1 ïƒ How performant do you fell today? (from 0 to 10)\r
– Ans Q2 ïƒ How stressed do you fell today? (from 0 to 10)\r
– Ans Q2 ïƒ how comfortable do you fell today? (from 0 to 10)\r