I will provide an empirical research article that relates to the topic of Motivation and Personality.That should read and summarize the article in APA format. The term paper should be approximately 4.5 pages and answer the following questions: I will upload the research article on files.
-Why did they do the study?
– Who did they use for the study?
-What did they do?
-What did they find?
-Your thoughts on the article and how it is related to the topics we covered?
-Abstract – Overview of article
-References page- Over the research article
-Why is this research is conducted? What was the motivation?
-What question I can ask?
-What negative critical have in this article?
-What materials they used in the study?
-Who were collected the data?
-Do you think this is problematic ?
-How many collecting data have in this reserach article?
-what tool are they using to collect data?
– why did they use this formula of data?
– What statistics data (formula) are used? What does each formula mean in this research?
(Population size/participants/ probability of error)(samplesize)(marginally significant lower whos better internal reliability)
-What is the problem with control study?
-What is the sign most applied in this article?
-Why do you think the results of the experiment is the proximity of the experiment to the people?
-what is the problem they face in the study?
-Why do they conduct the data on this research article?
-What will you do to change in this scientific research?
-In future studies…………
-How can you use this article if you were a psychologist?
-What would you do next time if you were conducting this research?
-What is relevant in your life to this experience?
-How to help people ?What should you do? What things will you change in this scientific research?
-How this scientific research article is relevant in the world ?
-Recommendation for the world and yourself: future studies should have a large size of people or short size of people in this research article.
-Consists and provides insight into the investigation being reported, accurately indicating the subject and scope of the article.
Grading Rubric for Term Paper: 10% = APA formatting, grammar, spelling, and general presentation
20% = A clear understanding and use of significant information provided in the article. A reference for APA style https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html