First Page: Name of the case, course name, your name, professor name, date, School/University information.
Second page: Table of contents of the report including page numbers
Problem Definition: What is the problem / issue/ concern that the management / manager is faced with in the case.
Situation Analysis: Discuss the case along the lines of the following questions. 5 marks will be for the extent that concepts/ insights from the chapters are used in your discussion and 8 marks will be for how the following questions are adequately addressed.
What are the weaknesses of the existing sales quota allocation procedure? What other factors may influence Larry Barr’s decision?
What changes may help improve the effectiveness of the sales quota allocation process?
How would you evaluate the current sales incentive plan and what suggestions would you offer for its improvement?
Recommendation: What would your recommendation be? Typically, the question on recommendation would be related to question 4 and how well you have justified your recommendation.
Conclusion: What would your conclusion be from the case? Typically, this part, would be the insight that you have gained from this case.
Formatting: APA style adherence, spelling and typos.
From: Dalrymple’s Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, 10th ed., Wiley.