Two contemporary approaches, my research paper will be into Humanistic perspective
and Behavioral perspective.
1. Describe the psychological disorder. What are its characteristics (e.g., prevalence, diagnostic criteria/symptoms)?
2. Who is at risk for this psychological disorder?
3. What is thought to cause this psychological disorder?
4. What types of treatment may be helpful for this psychological disorder?
Your application assignment should contain the following sections:
*Introduce your topic
*Brief literature review.
*Hint: Think about what your audience needs to know to understand your topic. This should include things such as defining
the condition/ behavior and providing statistics about prevalence.
Contemporary Perspective 1
*Introduce the perspective
*Review and summarize what scientific literature has to say about your topic from this perspective.
Contemporary Perspective 2
*Introduce the perspective
*Review and summarize what scientific literature has to say about your topic from this perspective
Personal Conclusions
*After reviewing research on this topic using several perspectives of contemporary psychology, describe your personal conclusions.
What did you learn and how did it change the way you think about this psychological disorder?
*Include in-text citations and a proper APA formatted reference list.