Discipline: American History

how the setting of the Pony Express route affected the job of the Pony Express rider.how the setting of the Pony Express route affected the job of the Pony Express rider.

Write an essay in which you examine how the setting of the Pony Express route affected the job of the Pony Express rider. Use specific evidence from both passages to support your response. In your response, be sure to: * Use varied and effective sentence structure, transitions, and appropriate domain-specific vocabulary * Organize your ideas […]

In “National Liberation and Culture,” Amilcar Cabral argues for the important role of culture in African liberation from imperialism, insisting that African liberation movements “return to the source” and….In “National Liberation and Culture,” Amilcar Cabral argues for the important role of culture in African liberation from imperialism, insisting that African liberation movements “return to the source” and….

In “National Liberation and Culture,” Amilcar Cabral argues for the important role of culture in African liberation from imperialism, insisting that African liberation movements “return to the source” and draw on the cultural traditions of the masses to create a new national culture. Write an essay, at least 500 words, in which you use Cabral’s […]

Monograph, Imbeciles: The Supreme Court, American Eugenics, and the Sterilization of Carrie BuckMonograph, Imbeciles: The Supreme Court, American Eugenics, and the Sterilization of Carrie Buck

After reading the Monograph, Imbeciles: The Supreme Court, American Eugenics, and the Sterilization of Carrie Buck, write an essay in which you answer the following questions: Double space your paper.   Start your paper with an introduction that lets your reader know what the paper is about.   Each question is a separate paragraph. Finish […]

define a historical problem of your choosing related to the american experince since 1865 and write a paper that explains that problem and puts it into an appropriate historical contextdefine a historical problem of your choosing related to the american experince since 1865 and write a paper that explains that problem and puts it into an appropriate historical context

 Respond to the following prompt: Identify and discuss a problem that confronted some group of Americans, a region of the country, or the United States as a whole during some point in time between 1865-2011.   Your task is to define this problem as you understand it. In order to do this well, you should: […]

In a 1200-word (minimum) essay, answer the below prompt and create an argument that supports your thesis.In a 1200-word (minimum) essay, answer the below prompt and create an argument that supports your thesis.

Prompt Why did the United States transform from a rural to an urban country between 1865 and 1932? Your thesis will answer this question by naming (1) key factor and will explain how that factor contributed to the transformation of the United States during the period in question. You will also have a roadmap statement […]

Variable meaning of ‘Independence’ and its change in intepretation during the course of North America(1600-1876)Variable meaning of ‘Independence’ and its change in intepretation during the course of North America(1600-1876)

For the paper, you will pick a primary source (or sources, if you want to compare) fromthe general geographic context  (North America, 1600-1876) andanalyze it as an example of ‘independence.’ The goal of the paper is to examine some of thevariable meanings of a man’s ‘competancy’ and ability to have ‘indepndence’ through a measure of […]

The 2020 US Presidential Election. this is the third part two parts are attached at the bottomThe 2020 US Presidential Election. this is the third part two parts are attached at the bottom

last part of the project  im going to attach the past two parts  How did the process of researching influence your understanding as it relates to media literacy? Explain how you became more media literate after researching your topic. Expound on how your view shifted as it relates to media literacy after completing this project. […]

Journal Entry- Coming to Terms with Pluralism (Topic: Religion in American Life)Journal Entry- Coming to Terms with Pluralism (Topic: Religion in American Life)

Assignment Instructions to Writing the Journal Entry:  – Please read chapter 24 from the book “Religion in American Life” which is attached below the instructions.  Please read the instructions below provided by our professor to understand why and what to do for the journal entry:  – Q: What’s a journal for the purpose of this […]

Analyzing a Historical debate over an issue from the second half of U.S. History. Find at least two opposing perspectives on that issue in: “The Shame of Cities” by Lincoln Steffens, AND “I seen my opportunities and I took ’em” by George W. Plunkitt.Analyzing a Historical debate over an issue from the second half of U.S. History. Find at least two opposing perspectives on that issue in: “The Shame of Cities” by Lincoln Steffens, AND “I seen my opportunities and I took ’em” by George W. Plunkitt.

“The Shame of Cities” by Lincoln Steffens. https://objectofhistory.org/objects/brieftour/votingmachine/index.html%3Forder=3.html “I seen my opportunities and I took ’em” by George W. Plunkitt. https://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5030/ Part I. Introduction 1. Describe in general the issue that is debated: For example, you may analyze the importance of this issue based on its significance to the culture, economics, political system, or social […]

Read the attached article about the arguments for and against the Electoral College, and read Chapter 9 of the textbook. Then write a response to the Electoral College brief paper assignmentRead the attached article about the arguments for and against the Electoral College, and read Chapter 9 of the textbook. Then write a response to the Electoral College brief paper assignment

After reading the article on the pros and cons of the Electoral College, and reading Chapter 9, write a brief paper answering the following questions: Why did the founding fathers who wrote the Constitution establish an indirect election of the President (which led to the creation of the Electoral College who actually elects the President).  […]