Discipline: American History

•How do the views of Senators Hammond and Seward demonstrate that compromise was unlikely by the late 1850s? Provide 3 examples to prove your argument.•How do the views of Senators Hammond and Seward demonstrate that compromise was unlikely by the late 1850s? Provide 3 examples to prove your argument.

Answer the following question in a 300-500 word essay (about 1 to 2 pages), using the quotes or paraphrased points from the two readings: William Seward’s “Irrepressible Conflict” and James Henry Hammond’s “Mud Sill” Speech (included in the same folder where you found this lecture): •How do the views of Senators Hammond and Seward demonstrate […]

The injustices African Americans were faced with after the Civil War through the Reconstruction EraThe injustices African Americans were faced with after the Civil War through the Reconstruction Era

Develop a course paper that accomplishes the following: Formulate an original argumentative/persuasive thesis on a work of literature (or works of literature) to come to a conclusion about a theme Apply a theoretical framework (New Historicism, Cultural Studies, Feminism, etc.) to help interpret a work of literature Compare and contrast literary critical interpretations to situate […]

Why did the US response to the COVID19 pandemic differ so much from the European one? What is the role of bureaucracy in the time of crisis? write a 5 page academic paperWhy did the US response to the COVID19 pandemic differ so much from the European one? What is the role of bureaucracy in the time of crisis? write a 5 page academic paper

-Be consistent in whatever format you use for citations (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) -Avoid run-on sentences -Even if you only need 5 sources, any facts you state that is not your original idea should be cited. -Be sure to include the refutation section – students seem to miss this one on the rubric. -Be […]


OVERVIEW Creating an annotated bibliography is a great way to strengthen your research skills. In part two of the three-part project for the course, you will locate scholarly sources related to the topic you chose for the American History Opposing Viewpoints Project: Summary Assignment, learn how to format different types of sources according to your […]

Booker T. Washington Which ideology best addressed the conditions of Black Americans in the early 20th centuryBooker T. Washington Which ideology best addressed the conditions of Black Americans in the early 20th century

their is two sides to this question. YOU WILL BE DEFENDING Booker T. Washington Address the following: Should Black Americans wait, prove themselves, and cooperate with whites in order to gain equal rights and treatment in the United States in the early twentieth century (Washington) or they should NOT have to wait, prove themselves, and cooperate […]

In your view, what were the three dominate changes to California society from the 1860s through the Great Depression of the 1930s? Why did those changes occur and do you consider those changes beneficial or harmful to California society?In your view, what were the three dominate changes to California society from the 1860s through the Great Depression of the 1930s? Why did those changes occur and do you consider those changes beneficial or harmful to California society?

Your essay should have an introduction with a clear argument, a well-developed body with ample supporting evidence, a conclusion that provides some final analysis, and be about seven paragraphs in length (paragraphs should be at least five sentences in length but often longer). Your argument is your brief answer to the question while the body […]

Analysis on Book “With the Old Breed At Peleliu and Okinawa” by Eugene Sledge (American Military History Class)Analysis on Book “With the Old Breed At Peleliu and Okinawa” by Eugene Sledge (American Military History Class)

For this assignment, you’ll be reading the book With the Old Breed At Peleliu and Okinawa by Eugene Sledge and writing a paper addressing the prompts below. This paper will be a digital submission. Please use a word processing application (like Microsoft Word or Apple Pages) so that you can abide to the following guidelines: […]

1) Identify and explain the Daughters of Liberty 2) Identify and explain the War of 18121) Identify and explain the Daughters of Liberty 2) Identify and explain the War of 1812

Answer both of the following short identification prompts.  1) Identify and explain the Daughters of Liberty 2) Identify and explain the War of 1812 Each should be one to two paragraphs in length. Each should include the Who, What, Where, When, How, Why of the item in the prompt, as well as an explanation of […]

Describe the changes in U.S. foreign policy before, during and after both world wars and the significance of those changes.Describe the changes in U.S. foreign policy before, during and after both world wars and the significance of those changes.

Describe the changes in U.S. foreign policy before, during and after both world wars and the significance of those changes. MLA format ***Can only use this source: American Horizons: U.S. history in Global Context Volume 2- CH.19,21,22,23,24 Link to source:https://archive.org/details/americanhorizons0002scha/mode/2uphttps://archive.org/details/americanhorizons0002scha/mode/2uphttps://archive.org/details/americanhorizons0002scha/mode/2up ***Do not use any other source***

How was the United States both pulled together and drawn apart during the early nineteenth century?How was the United States both pulled together and drawn apart during the early nineteenth century?

MAIN INSTRUCTIONS: Hello! I am looking for a 750-word or so an essay that discusses the US was both pulled together and drawn apart during the early 19th century. It is absolutely imperative that there is no Chat GPT or plagiarism present in the document. I have attached the rubric, instructions, as well as corresponding […]