Discipline: American History

Using Cooking in Other Women’s Kitchens, answer the following question: What is the author’s main argument? How did black women cooks show resistance and how did they fight for more compensationUsing Cooking in Other Women’s Kitchens, answer the following question: What is the author’s main argument? How did black women cooks show resistance and how did they fight for more compensation

Using Cooking in Other Women’s Kitchens, answer the following question: What is the author’s main argument? How did black women cooks show resistance and how did they fight for more compensation? By now (hopefully from the discussions), you already know the author’s main point. Feel free to use that information on this assignment. There should […]

Do you think governement has grown so big as to be a threat to your liberty and freedom ?WhyDo you think governement has grown so big as to be a threat to your liberty and freedom ?Why

The purpose of a position paper is to describe your position on an issue. The rationale for your position should be based on facts that provide a solid foundation for your argument. This paper should be a critical examination of a position using facts and analytical reasoning and addressing both strengths and weaknesses of your […]

Manuscript Source Assignment: Primary Documents on Slavery and Free Blacks, due April 13Manuscript Source Assignment: Primary Documents on Slavery and Free Blacks, due April 13

After reviewing the three documents above on Moodle – statistics, 1860 census count and slave letter – upload a doc or pdf document, in MLA format with an MLA header, with the below questions and your answers, one paragraph and at least three sentences minimum for each question. Include a Works Cited page with the […]

D. Beard “The Power of Woman’s Influence”: Nineteenth-Century Temperance Theatricality and the Drama of Nellie H. BradleyD. Beard “The Power of Woman’s Influence”: Nineteenth-Century Temperance Theatricality and the Drama of Nellie H. Bradley

This is an article review, based on this text  he Power of Woman’s Influence”: Nineteenth-Century Temperance Theatricality and the Drama of Nellie H. Bradley. The only source is the article, below are the suggested prompts:  1. What is the thesis—or main argument—of the article? If the author wanted you to get one idea from the article, […]

analyze an historical issue from the second half of U.S. History (post-1877). You will need to compare at least two opposing perspectives on that issue.analyze an historical issue from the second half of U.S. History (post-1877). You will need to compare at least two opposing perspectives on that issue.

Part I. Introduction 1. Describe in general the issue that is debated: For example, you may analyze the importance of this issue to the culture, economics, political system, or social structure at the time.   Part II. Historical Debate  What is the main argument in each perspective? On what points do they agree or disagree? […]

Each question has to be 500 words and the only source that can be use is from that book that is listed in the filesEach question has to be 500 words and the only source that can be use is from that book that is listed in the files

1.Which do you think is a better form of unionism, industrial unions or trade unions, based on the evidence from the latter part of the 19th century? How does each type of union effect individual workers and promote overall betterment for the working class? Give examples from union events and specific unions. After Reading Emma […]

peer review of article panich, “after saint serra: unearthing indigenous histories at california missions.” journal of social archaeolgy 16.2 pages 238-258peer review of article panich, “after saint serra: unearthing indigenous histories at california missions.” journal of social archaeolgy 16.2 pages 238-258

The main point of the argument The evidence that the author uses  The significance of the argument  Write a 2-3 page summary of the authors argument by identifying the main thesis, by discussion the types of evidence the authors uses and by explaining the significance.  Be sure to use precise language and examples to buttress […]

Should the death penalty be outlawed throughout the U.S., and does it violate the 8th amendment?Should the death penalty be outlawed throughout the U.S., and does it violate the 8th amendment?

Research Paper Assignment     OBJECTIVE   • To gain an understanding of American government through study and research of an individually given topic • To further perfect proper term paper format through the use of citations and bibliography REQUIREMENTS   • Students will be assigned specific topics relating to American Government.  • The paper […]

Historians have argued over integration and separatism for African Americans make an argument for the position that you believe is most persuasive .Historians have argued over integration and separatism for African Americans make an argument for the position that you believe is most persuasive .

Objective: To write a clearly organized essay that responds to the prompt completely and makes a persuasive argument. Instructions: Before writing this essay, listen to this week’s lectures, watch the “Eyes on the Prize” video, and read the majority decision in Brown v. Board of Education, Marcus Garvey’s Declaration of Rights (Module 11), the SNCC […]

What do you see as the future of the movement calling for freedom and justice for African Americans? What are the issues? What do you feel are some solutions?What do you see as the future of the movement calling for freedom and justice for African Americans? What are the issues? What do you feel are some solutions?

Please answer the following questions in a 250 words post: Black Lives Matter has been called the largest civil movement in U.S. history. Since 2013, local BLM chapters have formed nationwide to demand accountability for the killings of dozens of African Americans by police and others. Since the summer of 2020, when tens of millions […]