Discipline: American History

Discuss the fundamental shift that took place in the 1930s regarding the role of the federal government to help people in economic hardship.Discuss the fundamental shift that took place in the 1930s regarding the role of the federal government to help people in economic hardship.

Discuss the fundamental shift that took place in the 1930s regarding the role of the federal government to help people in economic hardship. How would you assess this shift?   Do not get lost in all the New Deal programs—focus on the ones that help the common person and maybe the ones that are still […]

After founding Jamestown in 1607, John Smith wrote that in America “every man may be the master and owner of his own labor and land.”After founding Jamestown in 1607, John Smith wrote that in America “every man may be the master and owner of his own labor and land.”

 After founding Jamestown in 1607, John Smith wrote that in America “every man may be the master and owner of his own labor and land.” Yet, not all colonies were equal in their wealth, resources, or the lived experience of the population. Of the three main colonies regions (New England, Middle, and Southern/Chesapeake), which one […]

An essay on freedom in the United States before and immediately after the Civil War, which describes which Americans were free and which were not free and whyAn essay on freedom in the United States before and immediately after the Civil War, which describes which Americans were free and which were not free and why

essay must address the following three elements: 1: A definition of freedom: how do you define it? What are its principal features? 2: A description of which people (or groups) were free and which were not free in the US before the Civil War, and the criteria you used to say so. 3: A discussion […]

Was appeasement the right strategy for dealing with Adolf Hitler? What other strategies could have been used?Was appeasement the right strategy for dealing with Adolf Hitler? What other strategies could have been used?

Requirements:  – At least 5 paragraphs, proper writing mechanics, spelling, and grammar.  – Thesis  – Textual Evidence (At least 3 quotes from the sources read in class) – Explanation / Analysis of quotes.  Suggested Format: 1. Intro Paragraph  – Hook – Introduce argument – Thesis  2. Body Paragraph  – Reason one supporting thesis – Textual […]

Final historical analysis of an oral history from UC Berkeley’s Oral History CenterFinal historical analysis of an oral history from UC Berkeley’s Oral History Center

Part 1: Please choose two oral histories from UC Berkeley’s Oral History CenterLinks https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/visit/bancroft/oral-history-center/projects to an external site. collections to review, compare, and analyze. The only condition is that the oral histories should address some aspect of California history. Above all, they should interest you! See the March 1, 2023 class presentation in Module 2 […]

Beyond Black and White: The Model Minority Myth and the Invisibility of Asian American StudentsBeyond Black and White: The Model Minority Myth and the Invisibility of Asian American Students

Students will write a short Reflection  (1-2 pages typed) on the weekly reading, choosing one to two ideas and/or quotes from the reading and analyzing them in the context of the reading. You can also bring in your own experiences and/or connections made to any current events or issues. Write a reflection on the following reading that […]

you can focus on religion, class, race, all of them, or any of them. Be creative, tell a story, argue a centralized thesis, and support it with rich and precise details.you can focus on religion, class, race, all of them, or any of them. Be creative, tell a story, argue a centralized thesis, and support it with rich and precise details.

Mary Rowlandson a minister’s wife and a white woman, captured by a neighboring Indian tribe, detailed her experiences during her captivity. These events, real or exaggerated, relate and contradict the activities of the colonists and religious trends in the New World. Using Rowlandson, the sermons posted on Blackboard, the Native Americans on Long Island book […]

The British American Colonies started off as the disunited semi-independent colonies that were still tied to BritainThe British American Colonies started off as the disunited semi-independent colonies that were still tied to Britain

For this go back to the French and Indian War and colonial goals. Look at the causes for the rebellion against the Parliament and King. Look at what the U.S. accomplished. This is not an essay just listing the reasons for the War of Independence. The reasons are important in that they indicate what the […]

How did the Korean War change America’s role in the world? Provide 2 examples drawn from the reading.How did the Korean War change America’s role in the world? Provide 2 examples drawn from the reading.

How did the Korean War change America’s role in the world? Provide 2 examples drawn from the reading. You will answer this question in one or two paragraphs with correct grammar, punctuation, and two quoted or paraphrased statements with proper citation – ex. (Cumings, 3). Make sure you include 2 quoted or paraphrased excerpts in […]

After reading Melba Beals Warriors Don’t Cry write an argument driven paper on the following question: Why was Melba a warrior?After reading Melba Beals Warriors Don’t Cry write an argument driven paper on the following question: Why was Melba a warrior?

After reading Melba Beals Warriors Don’t Cry, write an argument-driven approximately 3-page paper on the following question: Why was Melba a warrior?  Citing specific arguments and examples from Beals’s memoir, address the above question. Some questions you might want to consider addressing are below. By all means, do not feel like you need to address […]