Discipline: American History

Post Civil War acts of American genocide: The Black Wall st. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1921Post Civil War acts of American genocide: The Black Wall st. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1921

The remainder of the semester will be dedicated to the research project. For the final research portion of the course, you will compose a short research proposal on the discussion board that introduces your topic, its scope, and the thesis you will advance in the final paper. You can think of this as the introduction […]

American struggle against Communism during 2 phases – in the late 40s and early 50s with Truman in Korea – and in the early 70s in China, under President Nixon. Students also will find one recent article about Communism today.American struggle against Communism during 2 phases – in the late 40s and early 50s with Truman in Korea – and in the early 70s in China, under President Nixon. Students also will find one recent article about Communism today.

Total length = 1200-1800 words. (Optional) Rough drafts can be dropped off in class … or emailed by midnight xxxxxxxxx This paper will focus on the American struggle against Communism during 2 phases – in the late 40s and early 50s with Truman in Korea – and in the early 70s in China, under President […]

Answer the question listed in the instructions only using source info from the link i provideAnswer the question listed in the instructions only using source info from the link i provide

In three or more complete paragraphs, answer the following question. Your answer must be a minimum of 450 words. Remember that your file has to be in either .docx or .pdf format. Do not use anything other than the textbook for your research (no outside or internet sources).  (Question) The policy of Manifest Destiny was […]

Do you think that problematic art such as Confederate memorials should be removed from public spaces?Do you think that problematic art such as Confederate memorials should be removed from public spaces?

According to the artist Titus Kaphar, one should amend and not erase history. However, there are those that believe that art that comes from a colonial history should either be forgotten or destroyed such as the Theodore Roosevelt Statue that used to be located in front of the Museum of Natural History. Do you think […]

Why African American History from the Atlantic Slave Trade To Reconstruction should be taughtWhy African American History from the Atlantic Slave Trade To Reconstruction should be taught

A new movement has started since the early 2000s, where some political groups are trying to remove American history from our children’s school curriculum and textbooks, specifically slave history. However, these groups also do not want to cover segregation or civil rights. By removing the history that we have just covered in these last eight […]

discussing Tyler Abinder’s journal article on Irish Immigration, “From Famine to Five Points: Lord Lansdowne’s Irish Tenants Encounter North America’s Most Notorious Slum”discussing Tyler Abinder’s journal article on Irish Immigration, “From Famine to Five Points: Lord Lansdowne’s Irish Tenants Encounter North America’s Most Notorious Slum”

Paper about an Essay: “From Famine to Five Points” by Tyler Abinder: Due – 3/30 For this assignment, you will be writing a paper approximately 1100 words long (2.5 – 3 pages) discussing Tyler Abinder’s journal article on Irish Immigration, “From Famine to Five Points: Lord Lansdowne’s Irish Tenants Encounter North America’s Most Notorious Slum”. […]

columbus hero or criminal ? read 2 poems attatched , compare and contrast the tone and the themes of each poem and respond to following : whose point of view does each poem reflect and what is the message they each convey? explain the literary elementscolumbus hero or criminal ? read 2 poems attatched , compare and contrast the tone and the themes of each poem and respond to following : whose point of view does each poem reflect and what is the message they each convey? explain the literary elements

ESSAY 1 PROMPT “Columbus: Hero or Criminal?” Read the 2 poems below. Compare and contrast the tone and themes of each poem and respond to the following: Whose point of view does each poem reflect and what is the message they each convey? Explain the literary elements of the poems help convey the message. Use […]

ONLY chapters 2, 4, and 5 of When Affirmative Action Was White, that details how New Deal, World War II, and post-World War II programs represented affirmative action for white Americans.ONLY chapters 2, 4, and 5 of When Affirmative Action Was White, that details how New Deal, World War II, and post-World War II programs represented affirmative action for white Americans.

During the New Deal and World War II eras, the federal government enacted numerous programs to help pull the nation out of the Great Depression. Although these programs were color blind, they nonetheless benefitted whites at the expense of blacks. After reading chapters 2, 4, and 5 of When Affirmative Action Was White, your assignment […]

Write a 275 word essay on how American modernity still has a great hold on our imagination. Specify on technology in terms of how it can bring peace and also great destruction.Write a 275 word essay on how American modernity still has a great hold on our imagination. Specify on technology in terms of how it can bring peace and also great destruction.

Write a 275 word essay on how American modernity still has a great hold on our imagination. (Specify on technology in terms of how it can bring peace and also great destruction). Any additional topics can be added after this one also.  – Modernity can be defined as the self definition of a generation about […]

For Writing Assignment 2, I would like for you to choose a period between 1900 and 2000 and explain why you would prefer to live in that time period instead of 2023. I want you to convince me why I should go to this time period.For Writing Assignment 2, I would like for you to choose a period between 1900 and 2000 and explain why you would prefer to live in that time period instead of 2023. I want you to convince me why I should go to this time period.

For Writing Assignment 2, I would like for you to choose a period between 1900 and 2000 and explain why you would prefer to live in that time period instead of 2023. I want you to convince me that if I could go back in time, I should go to this time period. The essay […]