Discipline: American History

Explain the origins of the Civil War, beginning with the Missouri Compromise and ending with the opening of hostilities. What were the significant events that led to disunion? What events do you see as decisive? Did secession mean war?Explain the origins of the Civil War, beginning with the Missouri Compromise and ending with the opening of hostilities. What were the significant events that led to disunion? What events do you see as decisive? Did secession mean war?

please read instructions throughly. the problem and the soultion i have but i would send them through chat because it wouldnt let me upload them. also please cheack my soulution if its correct. please read instructions throughly. the problem and the soultion i have but i would send them through chat because it wouldnt let […]

If you had lived in the 1880s, would you have lived in the South, the West or the North? Would you have lived in a city or a rural area? Finally, what type of work would you have done?If you had lived in the 1880s, would you have lived in the South, the West or the North? Would you have lived in a city or a rural area? Finally, what type of work would you have done?

During the period following the Civil War the United States changed a great deal. Some of these changes were brought about by new inventions. Others were brought about because of the desire of others to make money and gain political and economic control of cities, states, or regions. With this in mind, please respond to […]

How did the abolitionist movement change Frederick Douglass from the boy born and raised on a slave plantation to the man at the end of the book? What two events are most important in changing him and why?How did the abolitionist movement change Frederick Douglass from the boy born and raised on a slave plantation to the man at the end of the book? What two events are most important in changing him and why?

1. The paper should be no less than three pages and no more than five pages, typed and double-spaced, and in the Chicago Manual of Style. 2. Start with an introduction. Your introduction should be half-page in length and should have your thesis statement. 3. The paper should be analytical and not just a retelling […]

A More Perfect Union? Have we achieved the Constitution’s goals today? To answer this question, think about the goals expressed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution:A More Perfect Union? Have we achieved the Constitution’s goals today? To answer this question, think about the goals expressed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution:

1. A More Perfect Union? Have we achieved the Constitution’s goals today? To answer this question, think about the goals expressed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution: ○ Form a strong union ○ Establish equal justice for all ○ Insure domestic tranquility (that is, peace at home) ○ Provide for the common defense ( […]

Kasi Lemmons, Dir. Harriet. Perfect World Pictures & Focus Features, 2019. (Film)Kasi Lemmons, Dir. Harriet. Perfect World Pictures & Focus Features, 2019. (Film)

You are to write a two-to-three full page (2-3 full page) paper where you compare AND contrast the information you read/watched with factual historical information. You will want to draw comparisons or point out inaccuracies about the time period, names or dates that are fictional versus factual, show how the film captured the time period […]

The Declaration of Independence, which was influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment thinkersThe Declaration of Independence, which was influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers

Select a particular topic relevant to the colonial era and the Age of Reason  Form a thesis exploring an aspect of that topic. Research your topic and identify relevant information that supports your position. Draft your historical investigative report and organize your research findings.  Use quotations from and summaries of your sources to support your […]

Although often under valued and under reported, local government has the most significant impact on citizens’ lives. The outcome of a County Commission or City Council vote on sales tax, road projects, or water facilities impacts citizens daily.Although often under valued and under reported, local government has the most significant impact on citizens’ lives. The outcome of a County Commission or City Council vote on sales tax, road projects, or water facilities impacts citizens daily.

After watching the video, students will write an essay that addresses the following prompts. Provide background on the Hillsborough BOCC, including the names and a brief background of the Commissioners and County Administrator. Professional backgrounds should be brief. (1-2 paragraphs) Explain the purpose of the meeting and why it is important to the citizens of […]

America during the beginning of the twentieth century and the impact that World War I had had on her and her citizens. How is American society portrayed in these stories?America during the beginning of the twentieth century and the impact that World War I had had on her and her citizens. How is American society portrayed in these stories?

No sources from outside our course may be used. Papers that use outside sources will not be accepted and students will receive a 0 for the assignment.   All acceptable sources – any material used specifically in THIS course – must be appropriately cited.  This paper should be YOUR thoughts ONLY. Ernest Hemingway was part of […]

Describe the provisions (parts) of the Voting Rights Act that discuss the issue of “pre-clearance”.Describe the provisions (parts) of the Voting Rights Act that discuss the issue of “pre-clearance”.

In the landmark case, Shelby County V. Holder (2013), the US Supreme Court struck down major provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act relating to the procedure of “pre-clearance.”   Since the ruling, states like Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina, can now make changes to their voting laws, such as photo ID requirements, that do […]

Did the welfare of Americans improve between 1865 and 1940? If so, what do you see as the main reason for rising well-being during the period? If not, why did American living standards fail to improve?Did the welfare of Americans improve between 1865 and 1940? If so, what do you see as the main reason for rising well-being during the period? If not, why did American living standards fail to improve?

Essay Question Answer the following question in a 1,000-1,500 word or more essay (about 4-5 pages double-spaced): Did the welfare of Americans improve between 1865 and 1940? If so, what do you see as the main reason for rising well-being during the period? If not, why did American living standards fail to improve? To successfully […]